Zinnias - the gateway drug to a full-blown flower obsession

If you think you can just plant a few zinnias and move on with your life, think again. These easy-to-grow, cheerful flowers are the start of a slippery slope - one minute you’re tossing a few seeds into the dirt, and the next, you’re rearranging your entire backyard to fit more flower beds.

Why Zinnas? Zinnas are the ultimate “set it and forget it” flower. They don’t need coddling, fancy soil amendments, or a pep talk to grow. Just sprinkle some seeds, add water, and bam- before you know it, you’ve got a garden full of impressive showy blooms. And the best part, the more you cut them, the more they grow. It’s a never-ending supply of floral happiness.

So many choices. Zinnas are basically the ice cream aisle of the flower world. So many colors, shapes, and sizes that you’ll want to try them all. Want big fluffy ones, try Benary Giants. Feeling fancy, try the Zinderella Zinnas with frilly petals.

Once you see how EASY zinnias are, you won’t stop there. You’ll start adding sweet peas, cosmos, and dahlias to your cart. Before long, you’ll be asking your sexy husband to till up more of your lawn. So go ahead and plant some zinnias. But don’t be surprised when you’re suddenly googling “how to build a greenhouse” at 2 a.m. If you hear your significant other say, “where are all the vegetables we are suppose to be able to eat?” just smile and hand him a bouquet of zinnias.


Stop and smell the roses (it’s therapeutic)